Tina Mosko

A silent strength, a mother’s care, an artist’s soula love profound.

A journey told through colour, form, space & time

Explore the Tina Mosko Gallery

An Art Haven

Welcome to the Tina Mosko Gallery, a sanctuary of artistic expression and natural beauty. Delve into the world of Tina Mosko's mesmerizing masterpieces and experience the captivating allure of Bahamian contemporary art.

Unleash Your Creativity

Uncover the incredible details of hand-selected pieces, where every stroke and colour holds a story. Let your imagination soar as you discover the hidden treasures within this unique creative experience.

Embrace Your Journey

This expertly curated collection combines skill, passion, and dedication, ensuring an unparalleled encounter with the world of art. Prepare to be captivated by the bright colours and make sure to follow your own journey of creative expression.

Discover Tina Mosko’s artistic vision

Tina was a woman of few words; as a mother, she was protective, kind, genuine, forgiving and gracious. As an artist, she was creative, talented and gifted. As a wife, she was loyal, honest, patient and loving. As a friend, she was true. Silence was her tool of expression and protection. Her paintbrushes were her words, and her presence was a pillar of strength.

Explore our shared world through art

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